Monday, October 16, 2006

The night of the 5 big noses

And then the day DN came. The world will never be the same after we all met..Hehehe, didn't it sound like the beginning of an epic story? Well, not quite but there's something true for sure, and it is that we guys had a blast!

The original group, the "core" of the system:
Well, we all were kinda drunk. After all, one of the pre-requisites for qualifying as a Delta Nu is being a professional drunkard, hehehe :-)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

White shoes for ימים נוראים

I just love going shopping, and I never seem to find a bad excuse for swiping my credit cards. And Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and the rest of the Yamim Noraim were definitely excellent excuses to do some shopping. After Rosh Hashana, I bought for myself (as a personal gift from me to me) a wall tapestry with a golden shahada

and a very nice pair of white casual shoes

with brownish suede strips. Yes, there's a reason: one should not be using shows with leather soles in Yom Kippur and I use to attend the temple with leather soles' shoes. But a the end, I wore my Skechers because they looked too cute and pretentious, especially in a day one dedicates to pray (nothing else, no food, no water, no sex... nothing!)

Rosh Hashanah? oh, I spent it at home, which reminded me of who I am and what I am; I know, one shouldn't spend that day alone but that's the way it turned out to be, and the way I enjoyed it. I roasted a chicken and made rice with roasted peanuts and honey, apart from the sweet challot I bought after 1.5 hours of standing in a queue at a kosher bakery with a thousand ladies chit-chatting in a mix of haquitía or yiddish with caraqueño spanish, hehehe.

But to be honest, living Yom Kippur to its fullest definitely touched me. It might sound weird, but I like fasting, I don't know why .. I feel like a special connection between me, my inner self and G'd because I only focus on praying, meditating and nothing else. Maybe that's the reason behind that connection. It's extremely weird that being such a devouring worm like me, I don't even feel a little thirsty! Spending all the day there, just thinking of all the importance of that day, its significance, and seeing all the people in the synagogue (usually the number of attendees is between 40 and 60 and on Yom Kippur there were at least 400) praying and especially praying asking for peace, renovation, and return to the Holy Land. That definitely impressed me in the best way possible and reinforced my convictions of being a religiously observant jewish, proud of my origins, the laws given to us and especially VERY supportive of the land of my ancestors:-)

Definitely, I will continue evolving -waking through this path..