Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ivrit bkalut? we'll see then

I have been buying some hebrew-language learning books, like these: I showed them to rab Medina, and he told me "these books will help you a lot, believe me". Well, let's see how it goes and perhaps I will say "ivrit bkalut" sooner than expected!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Israeli NeoNazis?

Yeah, the term sounds so ridiculous and ironic, but it's true. This week the Israeli Police reported having caught a group of 10-12 israelis , all FSU olim (immigrants that got to Israel through the Israeli Law of Return), members of a Neo-Nazi gang that was attacking kippa-wearing jews, foreign guest workers, drug addicts and gays. They even had planned to celebrate in the name of Hitler at Yad Vashem. These guys declared to the Israeli Police to be christians and that they had sprayed swastikas on synagogues in the Gush Dan. It's ironic that the Law of Return allows to emigrate to Israel people that is not halachically jewish (either born from a jewish mother or converted through an orthodox Bet Din) some of these people not only doesn't even care to convert to the religion of the country of their ancestors but tries to harm it on its most sensitive part. Alas, if you're applying for the benefit of living in Israel and escaping the impoverished and corrupt ex-FSU (not that Venezuela is less corrupt) at least have the decency of showing some respect to your new count!ry Yes, it's a benefit living in Israel and coming as an oleh, because you get money, social security and you will be living in the country with the 22nd highest standard of living in th world, second in Asia only to Japan and superior to Hong Kong, Singapore, the Czech Republic, Greece, Slovenia, Hungary, Portugal and Spain. But OK, fine, you're not gonna convert and continue as any other russian, then cool. Dude, but do not become a jew-hater in Israel, for Pete's sake! Do you know what's ironic? If the Nazis existed now, these guys would be sent to the ovens as my ancestors were, because they had some jewish blood! And yes, I would've been sent too and fried as a pork rind. And they dare to praise Hitler and all the bloody ones that persecuted and killed their grandparents too!

I know, I shouldn't dump all the shit on them.. it's also the system, it seems the whole absorption process needs to be revised. The Ethiopian olim have had lots of adaptation issues but that's another story. Indeed, that is on a different context because their Ethiopian culture and environment is diametrically different to the israeli's, which is definitely european with a twist. But Russia is an European country, with a culture somewhat similar to that of Israel, where the ashkenazi zionist hiloni establishment (I don't have anything against my ashkenazi+zionist+hilonim friends, OK?) has tried to standardize all jews (with the anuence of quite a few hypocritical haredi sepharadim who just care about power) into sepharadim and ashkenazim, sometimes ignoring their different cultural differences and ignoring the needs of a particular group. Yes, when th ex-FSU olim started arriving to Israel en masse in the 90s the whole country mobilised to receive them, and they have adapted quite well, becoming proud israeli citizens, some very religious, some not that much but still proud of being what they are: Israelis, Jews and yes, Russian Jews :-) A recent investigation showed that some ex-FSU (and ethiopian) olim are not finishing school and hence limiting their chances of integrating in the israeli society and thus locking themselves in a social ghetto, definitely a consequence of the soviet assimilation and secularization policies. The ulpanim definitely work, true, but how about the social structures, are the olim's adaptation to the new country being followed up? I ignore if that is being taken care of. And please don't say "it is costly" because the Israel's reason d'etre is gathering and sheltering and protecting all jews, no matter if they are affluent British jews, religious chabadniks from Brooklyn or Toronto, chinese-looking Bnei Menashe, secular and working-class argentinian jews, ethiopian cattle herders or portuguese and aragonese-speaking Bnei Anousim or even half-jews, being them russian, falash mura, amazon jews or any other. Money should be found to support a better adaptation of olim to the israeli society, instead of spending money on bribes or supporting unviable settlements in the West Bank -yes, some of them should be dismantled, it's more the cost than the benefit so let's be realistic. But no, now the government is cutting the money to organizations that help these kids that have had a hard time to adapt to their new reality as Israelis instead of increasing it as part of the immigrant absorption support plans. FUCK! :-( I dunno, maybe I'm talking too much shit, this neo-nazi group thing definitely affected me, and especially on this days before Rosh Hashanah. Man, i feel so embarrassed! :-(

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Almost there...

I'm working very hard to get all my papers and travel to Israel to finish my conversion. I know, I still need some papers but I'm getting close to it. As soon as the hagim end, I should have all of them and do what I have been wishing big time for the last 5-10 years, with an intensity growing as time passes by. So.. it;s coming :-)