Sunday, July 30, 2006

Épale, prima!

I hadn't seen Lissette since April of 2005, when she came with Matt to Venezuela to spend Easter with my aunt Gisela and my uncle Oriel and we had lunch together at Maiquetía Airport while they waited for their flight to Barquisimeto. She came last March but I was very busy and since my trip to the US was almost a fact, we didn't worry about not talking in person then. Finally, after JOSTI, I took a flight to Boston to spend a few days with them. I was quite excited to see them, since we're very close and we have shared many things together since we were kids: her mom my kindergarden teacher, my mom & aunt her godmoms, my dad her godfather, spending our holidays together at my father's family's house at the beach with my peer cousins, sharing the apartment when I was taking my internships at Aserca Airlines while she was working for Banco de Lara in Valencia, going together to concerts, and so many things that would make this post endless. In a nutshell, she's my sister.

Anyway, after saying goodbye to Khalil and Kaouthar at Washington-Dulles Airport (we shared a cab who happened to be driven by an iranian who spoke a little arabic and a little spanish as well, apart from farsi and french) I took my jetBlue flight to Boston-Logan, and despite the neverending rainstorm that delayed my flight for two hours, I enjoyed the flight, my blue potato chips, listening to XM Sattelite Radio and watching live TV on DirecTV while flying blue :-)
Lissette was waiting for me at the airport. As soon as we landed, I called her and she was right there in the bag claiming area. After the hugging, the greeting and the venezuelan-style chit-chatting, we headed for the car, while Matt was waiting for us; we loaded all my stuff, including my darbouka, to Lissette's amusement -she said "Holy Cow! You were not joking! you found an arab drum indeed!"- and then we went to a restaurant, because the three of us were F***IN' hungry. Bertucci's is a pretty good chain of ristoranti, whose trademark is the brick oven, where they bake pizzas and oh, the pasta! they claim they use only authentic italian ingredients, which I don't dare to doubt since the food is really tasty and well, good company makes the food taste even better. Then we headed home so I could unpack, take a needed shower and recharge my batteries for the next day since I was going to start doing what I did for the next 10 days -walking around Boston not as a tourist but something between a tourist and a wanderer :-)

Lisette and Matt at il RistoranteLissette and Matt's house is very cozy, very american-style, like those one sees on the tv series, and they have it very well decorated IMHO even though that is definitely not my style -Lissette's hand and style is seen in almost every corner, no wonder she's the queen of the house!
That red couch converts into a double-bed and it was my bed during my stay in Everett (the quarter of Greater Boston where they live surrounded by los tierrúos brasileños esos, according to Lissette, hehehe. One thing I noticed about Boston is that there is a Dunkin' Donuts virtually ANYWHERE in the city and one in almost every corner, which is awesome if you like Donuts and Bagels (like me) or if you haven't discovered how addictive iced coffee is (like me)

Yes, they even have it in traditional chinese characters! 大便!

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