Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Frankenstein's שמאָק

Today I went to see Dr. Seemann so he could check how my new penis was evolving. He was gladly impressed that my wounds are perfectly healed and it is not as swollen as usually expected. He told me "I haven't seen a person heal so quickly in a very long time, and boy, I have been a doctor for a while!". He ordered me to stop wearing the wounds dressing and let the wounds "breathe" naturally since the stitches are absorbable sutures and they will be absorbed by my body slowly and the wounds heal.

Still, I have to take the usual care for a wound, such as washing them with Betadine after I shower, every time I go to the bathroom and before sleeping, and I need to wear loose clothing and boxers until I am fully used to the sensation of having my glans exposed and of course, diazepam if I need to inhibit the morning wood (I definitely need these pills) for perhaps the next couple of weeks to avoid having the wounds reopened and NO SEX IN 60 DAYS. He clearly told me "just touch it to clean it, boy; nothing else for now". Shit!

I was seriously thinking of posting a picture of the stitches so you could see how it looks like, but I don't know if Blogger will ban me then for inappropriate behavior regarding personal photos, hehehe. In the meantime, I am home with no underwear so أبو علي takes some air ;-)

Oh, the name of the post? Well, I have 29 stitches around my penis and it is swollen and with small bruises, so I guess Dr. Frankenstein's creation must have Ein kleiner Freund like mine :-D

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