Friday, February 23, 2007

Feliz año del marrano de oro :-)

As a jew, I don't celebrate Chinese New Year at all, but working in a crystal bubble like ECA is, we are surrounded by an international (or should I say global?) citizenship thing that makes us participate in different activities that we rarely experiment on a normal occasion. This time was no exception, and last friday during lunch, some Korean, Japanese and Chinese HS students were giving fortune cookies to everyone at the cafeteria. I didn't miss the opportunity to ask for a cookie, which my friend Shashi did for me, as the students were actually HIS students. The funny thing is that he got two fortune cookies and his didn't have any fortune message inside, while mine had one. We started joking saying "oh dude, you've got no fortune, hehehe". My fortune? it said "Go often to your friend's house, because weed grows in a path that is rarely walked through".

To be honest, it kinda shocked me, because my friends (Dani, Ale, Jonathan) and I haven't seen each other properly in some time... let's see what I can do about it. Also I think I need to contact my college senior classmates. In the meantime, like cantonese say, 恭喜發財,利是逗來! :-)

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