Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Mom, I'm on TV!

Added: Wednesday, 22 November, 2006, 13:05 GMT 13:05 UK

Pierre Gemayel was part of a new generation of Lebanese politicians who wanted their country, the jewel of the Middle East to develop free from any foreign influence, in a country where only Lebanese had a say in the affairs of the country, like Rafik Hariri, George Hawi, Samir Kassir and Gibran Tueni. Those responsibles for this murder are only interested in keeping Lebanon unstable and on the verge of another civil war. On the last civil war, Syria benefited from Lebanon's divisions..

Carlos, Caracas


This was a post I made as a comment on an article about the murder of the Lebanese Minister of Industry. member of the Kata'eb Party and a prominent Anti-Syrian Pierre Amine Gemayel (بيار أمين الجميل) and its direct inlfuence on the ongoing crisis in Lebanon. True, I am a support of the Kata'eb Party, but apart from that personal opinion, I consider that this is all related to a complot of the Syrian secret service to eliminate all the main anti-syrian politicians in Lebanon, a trend that started last year with ther assasination of Prime Minister Hariri (a muslim). Definitely this is not a religious issue, but a political one. Pierre was trying to have the United Nations investigate the killing of Mr. Hariri and punish the responsibles; in my own opinion, Bashar al-Assad and the guys at Hezbollah are involved, because they seem to be the ones who will benefit the most from the comeback of the Syrian control over Lebanon. Such a beautiful country has always tried to be controlled by foreigners, and its unique culture, a melting pot of religions that is as wonderful as delicate. Israel's role? its only wish is to have Hezbollah far from its boders and not shooting Katyushas to the villages in the North, wherever they may come from, so it's unlikely they did it... nah, they would haven't done it and moreover, the Kata'eb militias collaborated a lot with the Zahal during the brief Israeli invasion of Lebanon so there's no point in questioning Israel. Anyway, this murder will only increase the instability in Lebanon A LOT and hence on the region. S**t on Gemayel's killers, whoever did it!

After I posted my message, a guy named James Fletcher, from the BBC called me, to see if I could participate on a chat with some experts on the Middle East about the crisis, ask my questions and express my point of view. Man, I felt like I was at the House of Commons! There was an expert from a think-tank, a member of the European Parliament (yes, European and British, hehehe), a scholar from Oxford and a journalist that passed lots of his life in the Middle East, plus a guy from SIngapore, a lady from India, an Australian and a Belgian on the phone, like me. With all those british-like accents flowing into our conversation, I felt like the Duke of Pork, hehehe :-) It was quite an experience; even though I was NOT on TV, I was .. that was weird, airing my ideas on TV without actually being on camera. Too bad I couldn't watch it!

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